A ‘Victory’ for Chiropractic Patient Care – The Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners Wins 10-Year Court Battle
The Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (Board) has won the 10-year long battle against the Texas Medical Association (Association). Background At its core, chiropractic care revolves around the nervous system and spine. Chiropractors make adjustments to the spine...
EHR’s and their Role in Patient Satisfaction
EHR’s and their role in patient satisfaction Electronic Health records (EHRs) are the way to go in this day and age of technology. How you can make an EHR work for you and your clinic in improving your patient satisfaction will depend on certain features in your EHR...
Why Do Reviews Matter For Chiropractors
Today, the annual median salary for a chiropractor is $145,000, but the industry as a whole generated $12.5 billion dollars in revenue in 2017 alone. With immense aptitude for growth, why is it that chiropractors often struggle to pay their bills? Studies show that...