In-House Chiropractic Billing or Outsource It – That’s a Million Dollar Question!
“Should I outsource my chiropractic medical billing?” “Is itcheaper to outsource chiropractic billing?” The question of whether to outsource chiropractic billing operations or keep the process in-house weighs heavily on chiropractic practices. First of all,...
6 Effective Tips for Chiropractic Practices to Improve Billing and Claims Process
For chiropractic practices that accept insurances, the financial success of the business depends on submitting accurate insurance claims and receiving reimbursements on time. But today’s chiropractic billing process is often so complicated that it takes not just...
How Chiropractic Practices Can Use Communication Technology to Retain Patients
As a chiropractic practice, what could be better than getting new patients? The answer: retaining existing patients. The ability to communicate well is foundational to the success of chiropractic practices. Effective communication helps chiropractors establish...