Bringing in new patients is a great way to grow your chiropractic practice. But don’t forget your current patients, especially the ones who haven’t visited your practice for a while. The manual process of recalling patients is challenging and costly. Your staff will waste hours in a day to track and call patients and get them to schedule an appointment. Chiropractors need to focus on patient retention strategies to prevent missed opportunities and ensure they don’t lose patients. Download the eBook and learn how automating the patient recall process can help you bring in more patients and increase revenue.
Patient Retention in Chiropractic Practice
zHealth patient recall software – Patient Plus – automates the entire process of reactivating and engaging patients who have not visited your practice for a while. Our patient recall messaging software sends automated reminders to patients via text and email messages tailored for your practice. The best part? Patients can confirm their visit directly from the message. Our patient retention software also sends birthday messages and missed appointment notifications, making it easier for you to keep your patients engaged. Want to see how patient recall system can improve chiropractic patient retention and grow your practice? Request a free demo today.