The Secret Connection Between Appointment Reminders and Profitability
As a chiropractic practice, your main objective is to deliver the best patient care. You care about your patients. We know this is your top priority. However, there is always a business side to your practice. In order to continue providing great patient care, your...
5 Things That Successful Chiropractic Practices Do
Successful chiropractic practices stay organized, spend lots of time with patients, and know how to turn their business into a profitable venture with the right combination of technology, tools, staff, and best practices. We have worked with thousands of chiropractic...
5 Modifiers That Are Necessary on Chiropractic Claims
Modifiers are a necessary part of billing for chiropractic services. Chiropractic billing modifiers are used with CPT codes for chiropractic to demonstrate the unique factors of a given procedure or service. If a CPT code requires a modifier but is billed without one,...