Could Your Chiropractic Clinic Survive a Coding Audit
We received this question from a chiropractic practice: “I have noticed my insurance reimbursements are gradually decreasing since January 2022. I have also received a letter from one of my insurance companies that says my charges for 9894x and 992xx codes are higher...
Can Membership Subscription Model Disrupt Chiropractic Clinics
In 2020, when the pandemic hit the world, people started taking subscriptions to almost everything. It started in 2020, but it seems, it will continue in the future. Today, when customers shop online, they use their Amazon Prime membership. When they want...
The ‘Tricky’ 97140 Chiropractic CPT Code: How to Use This Code Appropriately
In 1999, the chiropractic CPT code – 97140 – was introduced. It replaced three chiropractic codes: Joint Mobilization (97260/5), Manual Traction (97122), and Myofascial Release (97250). To date, many chiropractors face difficulty in getting reimbursed for the 97140...