As an acupuncture practitioner, documenting your patient’s progress and treatment outcomes is a crucial aspect of providing quality care. Acupuncture SOAP notes (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) are an organized way to record patient information and...
Effective billing collections are crucial for the financial success of chiropractic practices. However, managing billing processes manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. That’s where chiropractic billing software can play a pivotal role. In this...
An estimated 126.6 million Americans (one in two adults) are affected by a musculoskeletal condition. As of 2023, LinkedIn had an audience reach of 200 million users in the United States. As a chiropractor, you may have the misconception that LinkedIn is primarily for...
Running a successful chiropractic practice requires more than just providing excellent patient care. It also involves making sound financial decisions that can impact the overall health and sustainability of your practice. Unfortunately, many chiropractic clinics make...
There are nearly 11,000 CPT codes to account for all the different variations of healthcare treatments. While chiropractor billing codes are divided into three categories – Category I, Category II, and Category III, most chiropractors primarily use Category I...