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The Future of Patient Experience for Chiropractors

The paradigm of chiropractic care delivery is changing, and the changes will likely accelerate in the years ahead. From adopting innovative technology to communicating with patients in real-time to making it easier for patients to access their information and past notes, all have one thing in common: They improve the patient care experience. Today, patients prioritize convenience, transparency, and a prompt and excellent experience. It’s time for chiropractic practices to give patients what they need, where and when they need it, with the right tools. So let’s check out what does the future patient experience looks like and why chiropractors need patient experience management software to meet those changes?

Future of Patient Experience and Tools to Improve It

1. Ease and Convenience

The Future

Convenience is king. 49% of patients say convenience is the top driver for deciding on a facility. 70% of patients are more likely to select a provider that offers appointment reminders via email or text.

The Solution

The best way to improve patient experience  is to provide the convenience they are seeking. Patient experience solutions — from online appointment booking to paying for chiropractic services — are now expected by patients, and increasingly influence whom they select as their provider.

2. Information Access

The Future

Patients are now active participants in their care. Today, patients research first and are not afraid to change their provider if they believe they need better care and services. They want access and more personalized information that they know technology can deliver. They are taking a greater interest in a technology-supported approach to chiropractic care and choose a provider delivering exactly that.

The Solution

Patient portal, patient education tools, and 2-way texting are key differentiators here. The ability to complete intake paperwork online from anywhere, any device, access education content anytime, and update their personal information through a portal gives patients the accessibility they are looking for. A survey revealed that 9 out of 10 patients would rather receive an SMS message than answer a phone call. 2-way texting provides a convenient and effective way for patients to communicate with their providers. Two-way text messaging is an easy way to put relevant information in patients’ hands before or after appointments. The pandemic also gave patients the push they needed to get comfortable with telehealth. Some chiropractic practices have started utilizing telehealth tools to educate, support, and steer a patient to richer patient care experiences.

3. More Choices and Options

The Future

There is a growing cognizance among patients about how to find a chiropractor who can meet an individual needs. To make the best choice, patients read online reviews on Facebook, Yelp, Google, and other review sites. 71% of patients use online reviews  as the very first step to finding a new provider. Surprisingly, patients are willing to go out of their insurance network to see a provider if their reviews were better than those of an in-network provider.

The Solution

Patient experience and stellar online reputation are interlinked. When patients are satisfied with your care and services, they will share their reviews online. Patient satisfaction is a result of a good patient experience. Chiropractors interested in improving patient care experience and online presence in 2022 and beyond should start monitoring and managing their online reputation. Give your patients a 5-star experience and be their first choice when they search online for the best chiropractors. The more positive reviews you receive, the more visible your presence will become, allowing you to dominate the searches in your area. Start using patient experience software integrated with chiropractic software systems to automate the process of requesting patient feedback and posting positive reviews on various channels. Interested in learning what successful chiropractic practices are using for their online review management? Talk to one of our consultative advisors for free and we will help you discover how zHealth Review Plus can manage your online reputation, on autopilot.

4. ‘Value’ at Every Touchpoint

The Future

Patients will pay closer attention to the value and level of care they receive. There are several things that patients value highly when they seek and receive chiropractic care, such as getting timely appointments, the convenience of online scheduling, easy access to information and educational resources, lower wait time, and good communication with their providers. Patients will also expect the ease and convenience of paying for their services from their mobile phones. This demonstrates that patients want chiropractors to provide value at every touchpoint, from positive reviews, booking to payment and beyond that.

The Solution

If you want to gain a competitive edge in this changing landscape, provide value and patient-centric care at every touchpoint with:

Pre-Visit Experiences Like:

• Online/on-demand scheduling

• Easy rescheduling options

• Automated appointment reminders

• Online registration/intake forms

Point-of-Care Experiences Like:

• Efficient patient check-in and check-out

• No wait time

• Personalized care coordination

• Patient education about payment and care

• Engaging, comfortable waiting rooms

• Contactless payment solution

• Telehealth

Post-Visit Experience Like:

• Recall reminders using patient experience software

• Automated review requests

• Communicate or use 2-way texting

• Keep patients engaged

In Summary : Have the right tools to make it all possible

Patient experience centers on the patient’s needs, demands, and desire for transparency, access, quality care, value, and convenience. Chiropractic practices looking to grow their practice in 2024 and beyond should start:

• Providing patients with the digital tools to connect with their practice and providers.

• Giving the convenience and easy of online scheduling and digital intake paperwork.

• Educating patients in healthy behavior and/or prevention through educational tools.

• Implementing payment processing solution for contactless payment options

• Using patient experience management software to provide seamless experiences throughout the patient journey.

• Communicating and engaging patients through 2-way texting and reactivation messages.


Patients are rethinking their ideal experience and their expectations. Chiropractic practices need to embrace this change and adopt technologies, such as all-in-one chiropractic software and patient experience solutions that provide convenience, transparency, and a seamless experience to patients.

zHealth Software Can Help

For chiropractic practices, find out how zHealth can help you improve patient care experience, and meet your patient needs with our all-in-one chiropractic software designed specifically for chiropractic practices.

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The Future of Patient Experience for Chiropractors
Patient satisfaction is a result of a good patient experience. Read this blog to know what's the future of patient experience.
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