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How zHealthEHR Automates Your Chiropractic Practice

Running a chiropractic practice isn’t easy. Every day is incredibly busy and hands-on, as chiropractors need to juggle between patient care and operational tasks. Whether they run a private office or work in a larger clinic, most doctors are responsible for a variety of crucial administrative duties. From writing reports to sorting out patient billing to managing the practice’s marketing campaigns, there is much work to be done. And even more importantly… let’s not forget that providers have to see patients and treat them for their concerns!
Given this demanding workload, how do chiropractors stay efficient and cost effective?
Enter zHealthEHR: an all-in-one practice management software that can be custom-tailored to the needs of every chiropractic office. With the help of versatile technology, zHealthEHR automates the tedious processes associated with patient scheduling, intake paperwork, customer accounting, patient reviews, and much more. Furthermore, this cloud-based software features voice-to-text integration that allows for creation of dictable, transcribed SOAP notes.

Using zHealthEHR, chiropractors can expect to achieve the following targets:

  • See up to 25 more patients each month
  • Increase revenue due to seeing more patients
  • Enter a SOAP note in 45 seconds or less

Why Automate?

Why is automation so important? The answer is simple: automating tasks reduces operational inefficiencies, which is one of the biggest problems that providers face today. Already burdened by administration and billing, many doctors are spending more time documenting patient encounters at a computer than actually communicating face-to-face. Chiropractors find themselves at a crossroads between quality and quantity—if documentation quality is sacrificed in favor of producing more notes, patients’ medical necessities may be overlooked or denied coverage, and errors can be extremely costly; however, generating comprehensive notes is time-consuming and a major contributor to physician burnout.

How it Works

zHealthEHR offers a straightforward yet detailed interface that is easily customizable to your needs. In just a few clicks, you can create appointments and add follow-ups on each patient’s page, or schedule appointments directly from a calendar. With features such as drag-and-drop rescheduling, color-coding, and intuitive calendar integration, chiropractors can save time and energy effortlessly.
How does automation fit into this interface?

Online Appointments:  Patients book appointments directly from your website and receive automatic reminders. New and existing patients can also complete their intake forms from home.

Free Text Reminders: Our chiropractic scheduling software sends automated reminders for appointments through text messages and emails. This ensures that no patient is overlooked and all are accounted for.

Dictating Customized SOAP Notes: Now you can dictate SOAP notes through a hands-free process, powered by voice-to-text recognition. No more excessive typing, and no fear of carpal tunnel. Additionally, you can choose from a range of chiropractic SOAP note templates or we can help build a custom SOAP note for you.

Managed Billing Services: Our managed billing services will help you with accurate ICD-10 coding, claim tracking, automated ERA posting & receiving and much more.


Automating applicable processes not only maintains productivity but also improves it, thus opening up an opportunity for practice growth. With zHealthEHR, you will be able to finish your administrative tasks more quickly and accurately, freeing up time to better cater to patients’ needs.

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How zHealthEHR Automates Your Chiropractic Practice
Automate Your Chiropractic Practice using zHealthEHR Cloud-Based Chiropractic Software.
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