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How to Choose the Right Online Scheduling Software for Chiropractors

How does patient scheduling looks like in your clinic?

First scenario:

Patients schedule their appointments online using a scheduling software.

Your front desk staff then needs to manually sync this information with another calendar management software to ensure all chiro appointments are captured.

Additionally, you have a separate reminder system that sends appointment reminders to patients.

Second scenario:

Everything is done manually. The patient calls the front desk to book an appointment, confirms the date and time, and the front desk staff manually schedules the appointment. They also need to collect patient information and insurance details during the call. This information is then manually entered into your system.

When it’s time for the appointment, the staff manually sends out reminders to patients, either by phone or through a separate reminder system. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors, as everything relies on manual entry and coordination.

Both scenarios lead to inefficiencies that can impact your practice operations and patient satisfaction.

The easiest way to improve your process is by implementing all-in-one chiropractic scheduling software. However, with so many scheduling software for chiropractors available in the market, choosing the right one can be a challenge. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how to choose the right scheduling software for your chiropractic practice.

What is appointment scheduling software for chiropractors?

Chiropractic scheduling software lets you create and customize an online calendar for your chiropractic practice. You can add providers, their schedules, and different chiro appointment types, making it easy for patients to book a time that works for them. You can also include your business details like your website, email, and phone number.

Why your chiropractic clinic needs an online scheduling software?

Appointment scheduling should be straightforward for your clinic and patients.

On one side, you want to maximize your care team’s productivity and see as many revenue-generating patients as possible.

On the other hand, 80% of patients want to book appointments online and timely communication from the clinic regarding their upcoming appointments.

This is where chiropractic scheduling software becomes even more compelling. Not only are patients demanding it, but there’s ample evidence that offering it will help your clinic improve productivity and provide excellent patient experience. Consider these advantages:

  • Decreases incoming calls
  • Saves your admin staff time reallocated to other priorities
  • Helps fill a schedule from last-minute cancellations
  • Helps boost appointment volume while cutting costs
  • Give patients a better online booking experience
  • Reduces no-shows
  • Increases patient acquisition
  • Enable easy booking via your website, Google, and social media

How to Select the Best Chiropractic Scheduling Software?

Some appointment scheduling systems offer basic functionalities, while an integrated chiropractic scheduling system creates a full practice management platform for your clinic. To make sure your software meets your practice needs and provide the best patient experience, look out for the following features:

1. Easy-to-Use

The software should have a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. Your patients don’t want to spend too much time figuring out how to use the online scheduling software.

2. Real-Time Scheduling Updates

Look for a chiropractor software that offers integrated scheduling system. This ensures all online appointments automatically sync with your calendar. It should block off booked times and free them up immediately if there’s a cancellation. This way, your schedule stays accurate and efficient, making it easier for you and your patients.

3. Features a Patient Portal

zHealth chiro software offers advanced functionalities for streamlining your scheduling process. With zHeath’s online scheduling tool, you get a patient portal.

Patient portal is a great way to provide more flexible, comprehensive, and high quality care.The portal will allow your patients to check their upcoming appointments, fill out intake forms, add their card details for payment, and so much more.

4. Automated Confirmation and Reminders

Automated appointment reminders are key to reducing no-shows and increasing appointment confirmations. By sending reminders via email or text, you give patients the flexibility to easily reschedule when needed.

When choosing chiropractic scheduling software, prioritize options with unlimited email and text reminder capabilities. For instance, zHealth chiro EHR software includes an automated reminder system that sends reminders 48 hours, 24 hours, and 30 minutes before each appointment.

These reminders ensure patients remember their appointments, boosting schedule efficiency and reducing lost revenue. By automating this process, your staff can focus on more important tasks, cutting down on administrative workload and enhancing overall office efficiency.

5. Syncs with Google Calendar

If you use Google Calendar for personal meetings, it’s crucial that your chiropractic appointment scheduling software integrates seamlessly with it. Integration ensures your Google Calendar updates automatically, preventing scheduling conflicts for both you and your patients. This makes managing chiro appointments easier and more efficient.

6. Customizable Settings

When choosing scheduling software, find one that lets you customize your options. This means you can set different appointment types with specific time slots or lengths. For example, you might need longer slots for new patient appointments compared to follow-ups.

Also, look for software that allows you to control when patients can book appointments online. With customizable settings, you can show only available time slots for each day. This makes it easy for patients to schedule appointments without any confusion.

These customizable features make scheduling more efficient for your practice, ensuring appointments are tailored to your needs and improving overall patient satisfaction.

7. Scheduling Reports

When selecting scheduling software, opt for one that includes tracking and reporting functions. These features provide valuable insights into your practice’s activities, allowing you to measure success and focus on areas that drive results.

For instance, understanding how many new and returning patients booked an appointment will help you drive your efforts towards channels that bring in more new patients and retain existing ones.


Giving your patients more options for booking their appointments not only helps you fill your schedule but also sets you apart from your competitors when new patients are looking for a chiropractor. Adding chiropractic software with scheduling system and other top features lets you tap into the growing demand for easy, patient-friendly self-service tools, making it effortless for patients to book their care.

Benefits of using zHealth for chiropractic appointment scheduling

zHealth offers an all-in-one chiropractic software that offers a comprehensive range of functionalities and features. With zHealth’s scheduling software you can:

  • Create an online scheduling portal for your clinic where you can set appointment types, provider hours, and availability.
  • Sync your personal Google Calendar, allowing you to see your day’s agenda in one place.
  • Get all appointments synced into the Calendar in real-time.
  • Set recurring and/or one-time booking availability.
  • Allow patients to book appointments anytime, anywhere from their mobile devices.
  • Allow patients to book appointments on the go through the Patient App.
  • Offer a secure patient portal where your patients can provide billing and insurance information, complete intake paperwork, and connect with you as needed.

As an all-in-one chiropractic software, zHealth has all the tools you need to attract and manage patients, provide better communication, and build a more efficient practice.

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How to Choose the Right Online Scheduling Software for Chiropractors
Streamline appointments, enhance patient satisfaction, minimize errors with our chiropractic online scheduling software. Read More.
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